• The baby weight is a very sensitive subject to a lot of moms which already starts from the day we get to know we are pregnant. A lot of us are afraid to gain too much weight and not be able to lose it fast enough after pregnancy or at all.  Today I would like to share with you how I got healthy through my pregnancy and how I lost my baby weight by four weeks. I hope to be able to inspire you with my journey and to help you to start or to keep going on your journey. Ladies, before I start with my list of tips which worked for me, I would like to remind you that we all are different and so are our bodies. So again don't be too hard on you and take a step at a time.
    Fitness,  Fitness Journey

    8 Effective Tips How to Speed Up Losing The Baby Weight

    This post contains affiliate links which means I may receive a small commission if you use them at no extra cost for you. I only recommend products and services that I use and trust. You’re a mommy now, congrats! To become a  first-time-mom can be an overwhelming feeling. Nothing is how it used to be either our body nor our emotions. Especially at the beginning, we need to get used to the huge emotional, physical, and life changes. All these changes a baby brings with it can be overwhelming and scary at the same time. The last thing we have time to think and worry about few days postpartum is the baby weight subject,…